Definition editor: elicitation of group priors

This page allows you to provide relative and absolute chronological information about the groups within your definition.  Using this page you can set absolute chronological information about the boundary parameters of the groups and also define the relative chronological relationships between the groups in your definition.  One page is shown for each group.

Accessing this page

This page can be accessed by clicking the "Modify" button from within the list group priors page, for the group or boundary parameter you wish to modify.  It is also shown when the software needs to know about the chronological information for groups you have created.


The page is split into two parts: one for absolute chronological information and the other for relative chronological information.

Absolute chronological information

Two forms are shown, one for the early group boundary and one for the late group boundary.  The form allows you to provide information about the true calendar date of that parameter.

BCal allows you to supply information about the true calendar date in the following ways.  The calendar used to represent such dates will depend on your setting within the configuration page.

Relative chronological information

One form for every other group within your definition is shown.  The form allows you to specify the chronological relationship between this group and the other groups in the current project.  BCal supports the following relationships between groups.

See also

Consistency checking

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