Project manager: configure
This page allows you to configure certain parts of BCal. You may
update your registration information, change elicitation settings and change
project viewing settings.
Accessing this page
This page can be accessed from the BCal menu by selecting "Configure".
The page is split into several sections. Once you have made any changes
you must click "Submit" to store the changes, which will be effective immediately.
Basic information
The first section allows you to update the information provided at registration
time. You should ensure that your name, e-mail address and organization
are always up to date.
General settings
With this section you can define the preferred calendar in which you wish
to work with BCal. The calendar can be either "cal BP" or "BC/AD".
Within the definition editor, this setting will allow you to provide absolute
prior chronological information as either years expressed in cal BP or
years expressed in BC/AD. In the results presentation tool, where
appropriate, results will be presented using the calendar corresponding
to this setting.
Note: It is important to be aware that there is no 0 year
within the BC/AD calendar. BCal takes this into account in all input/output.
A side effect of this is that within individual parameter plots generated
by BCal, the tics for years within the BC time scale may all end in 1.
This is completely normal and does not represent a fault in the plotting
Elicitation settings
This section provides you with some control over the elicitation process
within the definition editor. The following fields allow you to set
the number of items that appear on each page during the initial elicitation
of the calibration definition.
Group - The number of groups that may appear in one page.
Floating parameters - The number of floating parameters that may
appear on one page.
Determinations - The number of determinations that may appear on
one page.
Absolute chronological information on determination parameters -
The number of determination parameters that may appear on one page during
the elicitation of absolute chronological information on determination
Relative chronological information on determination parameters -
The number of groups that may appear on one page during the elicitation
of relative chronological information about determination parameters.
The following fields allow you to select the number of determination parameters
that appear per row.
Calibration curves - The number of determination parameters that
may appear per row during the elicitation of which calibration curves to
Absolute chronological information types on determination parameters
- The number of determination parameters that may be shown per row when
eliciting information about the types of absolute chronological information.
View project (image) settings
This section allows you to define settings for the graphical representation
generated when viewing the project.
Group width - The width of each group in pixels.
Horizontal spacing - The number of pixels between groups and floating
Vertical spacing - The minimum number of pixels below each parameter
(except late boundaries).
Vertical spacing (groups) - The minimum height of each group in