Definition editor: list group priors

This page lists the absolute and relative chronological information for all the groups within the definition.  The page also provides links to pages which allow you to modify the information.

Accessing this page

This page may be accessed from a definition editor page by selecting "Group Priors" within the stage bar.  This page is only accessible when information required for all preceding stages is complete.


Two tables are shown.

The first table shows the absolute chronological information.  Each group boundary parameter is shown along with its absolute chronological information, if any.  Selecting the "Modify" button will take you to the elicitation of group priors page for the group of that boundary parameter.

The second table shows the relative chronological information.  One group is shown per row, its chronological relationship to every other group in the definition is presented in the columns.  Selecting the modify button takes you to the elicitation of group priors page for that group.

Underneath the tables is a link to the clear all relative chronological information page.  This page allows you to clear all the relative chronological information within the definition.

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