Calibration tool: show/modify initial parameter values

This page allows you to view the initial simulation values of each parameter before you submit them for calibration.  BCal automatically generates these when you complete the calibration definition process.  If you wish, you can change these values if you are not satisfied with those generated by BCal.  However, we do not recommend you change the values, unless you fully understand the implications of such an action.

Accessing this page

This page can be accessed by selecting "Show/modify initial parameter values" from the submit calibration page.


The page shows each group within your calibration definition.  For each group the group boundaries and thetas are shown.  The page also shows any floating parameters you have defined.

Alongside each of these parameters is a field to show the initial value for that parameter.  You may change these values.  To make the change permanent, you should click the "Submit" button.

Note that the initial parameter values submitted must be consistent with the chronological information within the definition.  If they are not, you will be given an error message, informing you how the inconsistency arises.

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