BCal help system: The Tutorial

Show the corresponding software page in the BCal work area

Step A19:  Viewing the project

This page shows all the information we have supplied.  It is split into two parts.  The first part shows an image of the chronological relationship between all of the groups and floating parameters.  A black line indicates a group boundary parameter or floating parameter.  The parameter label is shown underneath the line in black.  The vertical position of the line in the image gives some indication of the relative location of the parameter within the chronology.  Generally speaking (although this it not always true) the higher a line is in the image, the later it is in the chronology.

Definite chronological relationships between parameters are shown by links between parameters.  A green link between two parameters indicates that the higher of the two parameters in the image is definitely chronologically later than the other parameter.  A blue link between two parameters indicates that they are chronologically equal (i.e. they represent the same calendar date).

Grey areas on the image represent the groups (the size of the grey area is arbitrary and does not relate to the likely time span of the group).  The label for the group is shown in blue.

In this particular image, we can see that there are two groups, Layer III and Layer II.  Layer II starts when Layer III ends. The late boundary of Layer III and the early boundary of Layer II are both represented by the same line.  This indicates that the two parameters are equal and that the two groups abut one another.  The floating parameter, phi 1, is drawn next to the groups.  A green line between phi 1 and alpha 2 (and beta 1) indicates that alpha 2 is later than phi 1.  This represents the fact that the date the pond was created must be later than the date of the arrival of the Polynesians.

The second part of the page shows all of the elicited information about the project (that does not appear in the image above it).  It is colour coded so that different types of components are shown in different colours.  The types of components are groups (darkest colour), boundary parameters (next darkest), determination parameters (next darkest) and pooled means (lightest).  The information is also indented depending on the type of component it is, with groups having the least indent and pooled means being the most indented.  The order (earliest first) of determination parameters within the table represents the chronological order of those determination parameters (if they are ordered).

It is a good idea to check this table, to ensure that the information provided is correct.  If there are any mistakes, we can use the stage bar to correct them.  Otherwise, we are ready to calibrate the project.

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