Results presentation: HPD regions (for the time elapsed between parameters)

This page allows you to view highest posterior density (HPD) regions for the time elapsed between any pair of parameters you choose.  You may also set the percentage at which the HPD region is calculated.

Accessing this page

This page may be accessed from the format and parameter selection page when "HPD regions" is selected as the results presentation type.


On this page, the HPD regions (computed at a particular percentage) indicate the most likely range(s) for the length for the elapsed time between the two select parameters.  BCal forms the interval (or intervals) by choosing the lengths with the highest posterior probabilities and summing their probabilities until the total probability included in the intervals corresponds to the prescribed percentage.  In this manner, any length included in a reported HPD region has a higher posterior probability than any length outside the region.

By default HPD regions are calculated at 95%.  You may calculate them at another percentage using the form below the table in which the results are presented.  Simply type in the new percentage and select "Submit", the HPD region will be recalculated with the percentage you provided.

You may return to the format and parameter selection page by selecting the "Back" button.  Your choice of format and parameters will be restored.

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