Results presentation: Posterior density plots (for the time elapsed between parameters)

This page shows posterior probability density plots for the estimated length of time elapsed between the events represented by pair of parameters you chose within the format and parameter select page.  These plots can be customised to suit your own tastes and requirements.

Accessing this page

This page is accessed from the format and parameter selection page by selecting "posterior density plots" as the results format type.


Posterior probability density plots allow illustration of the estimate of the distribution of the length of time elapsed between the calendar dates for the events represented by two parameters.  Time elapsed (in calendar years) is shown on the x-axis and the probability is shown on the y-axis.

Note:  The smoothness of the graph partly depends on the bin widths you set when you submit the job for calibration. If you want smoother (or less smooth) results you need to resubmit your job, setting the bin widths appropriately.

Below each plot are links to download it onto your computer.  You may download the plot in the GIF (Graphical Interchange Format) and PBM (Portable BitMap file format) raster bitmap formats.  These are suitable for loading into bitmap-based image processing and graphics packages.  These may also be loaded into word processors.  However, these images are not scalable and so may appear "jagged" when scaled.  To overcome this, you may also download the plots in EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format.  This type of image is suitable for loading into word processors and typesetting programs.  The image is scalable and so can be resized without loss of quality.

In addition to downloading the image, you may also save a text file containing the posterior probability data used to create the plot.  This will be of use to you if you wish to use alternative plotting or statistical software to analyse the results.  This text file is formatted into two columns.  The first column contains the estimated time elapsed,  the second column contains the corresponding probability.  To download an image or data file you should right click on the appropriate link below the plot and select "Save As ..." from the popup menu (there may be slight differences between browsers).  A dialogue box will appear.  You should provide a suitable name and location for the output file.

At the bottom of the page is a form.  This form allows you to make changes to the plot shown on this page.  After making any changes, selecting "Submit" redraws the plot with the settings you have provided.   The settings available are as follows.

You can return to the format and parameter selection page by selecting the "Back" button.  Your choice of format and parameters will be restored.

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